


Thursday morning from 7 to 7:45am – West Ham Church
Thursday mornings from 8 to 9am – Shoreditch Church
Thursday mornings from 8 to 9am – Leyton Church


As a church, our highest priority is to worship and pray together. And so, we’re making space to come together every Monday from 7 to 8pm in Hackney Church House to pursue to the presence of God in a really intentional way. It’s a time for every person, from any SAINT location or beyond, to set aside an evening to pray and worship in an environment of expectation. See you there!


We’re so excited to let you know that our Joint Prayer Gatherings are something we feel called to continue – we’ve had a few of these nights now, and they have been extraordinary times. Below are the dates for next gatherings, up until September 2024. See you at the next one!


As a church we want you to know that we are praying for you. If you need prayer for anything, big or small, or know someone that does, please get in touch by emailing

Someone will be in touch as soon as we can, and will be praying for you.


On every first Saturday of the month, we would love to invite you to take a one hour prayer walk in your area. This is a great way to pray for our area and community.⁠

It’s really simple:⁠
1. Pick an hour and walk around your area.⁠
2. Pay attention to what God might be showing you as you walk.⁠
3. Pray for the things on your heart, and whatever you see or notice.⁠