New 4:30PM service at WEST HAM
This Sunday, the 3rd October, there’s a new 4:30PM service launching at All Saints, West Ham, and everyone here at SAINT, is extremely excited about it.
The new service will be headed up by location lead, Rev’d Si Nichols, and there will be a lot of familiar faces there too if you’re a regular at the 10AM Choral Eucharist.
Ahead of this Sunday, we got the chance to ask Si a few questions about the upcoming service, hot seat style. Here’s what he said.
What excites you most about this new service starting?
Getting to meet a whole load of new friends, and build community with them.
Can anyone come along?
All are welcome, but we are aiming particularly at young families – our Hey Baby and Kids crew will be on hand each week.
What can I expect?
We will worship together, hear from the Bible and have an opportunity to pray for each other. But we will also make lots of space to get to know each other.
If you could ask the SAINT family to be praying for one thing as this starts, what would it be?
That as the church comes alive many people locally would come to know Jesus.
For more info about All Saints, West Ham and how to get there, click on the link below.